"...Have faith in your dreams and someday,

your rainbow will come smiling through.

No matter how your heart is grieving,

if you keep on believing,

the dream that you wish will come true..."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Biophysical #1

We had our first biophysical profile yesterday, and the little Diva scored 10/10. She was really active during the Non-Stress test, and we lost her heartbeat once. The nurse figures it was because she was thrashing around so much in there, and was kicking the cord, and moved away. She came right back when the sensor was adjusted. We saw her practicing her breathing during the ultrasound, and cord flow looks good. So that is the first one down... 7 more to go (at most).

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!!! You go girls! :) Seems like she'll be here before we know it. Although if you're anything like me, while there's only 7 more (at most) to go, somedays it still feels like there's 7 more... :)

    This happy post feels so tender to me as I just commented on Kheri's blog about her one year anniversary. I feel the joy and happiness, and anticipating of welcoming your second daughter into the world, and I'm sad that her big sister isn't here on earth to help us celebrate.

    Much love to you and your girls.
